Oxygen supply systems for aquaculture fish hatchery
NOXERIOR oxygen generators are particularly appropriate for:
- Broodstock units;
- Larval rearing units;
- Weaning units;
- Treatment for seawater wells;
- Biological filter of re-circulation systems;
- Ozone generation for water sterilization;
Special Know-How & Services from NOXERIOR
We at NOXERIOR are perfectly aware that oxygen is a variable cost for your hatchery operation. A reliable estimation of oxygen requirements and a correct dimensioning of an oxygen generation system from our OXYSWING® PSA oxygen generator product range will be determining for the economical benefits you expect from an on-site oxygen generation and supply system in your hatchery.
We will provide consultancy regarding the most efficient oxygen distribution as well as technology for oxygen transfer and regulation into water under consideration of all relevant parameters. By using our in-house developed software we can calculate both the required amount of oxygen to be produced and the resulting energy consumption. Together with you will find a compromise between the use of energy and the efficiency of oxygen transfer to optimise costs.
Oxygen supply for brazing, cutting, soldering and welding applications
NOXERIOR oxygen generators are particularly appropriate for:
- Material cutting with liquid fuels
- Brazing applications in the appliance industry
Special Know-How & Services from NOXERIOR
We at NOXERIOR always do a detailed simulation and analysis of the oxygen consumption profile, including peak consumptions, to guarantee a correct dimensioning of the OXYSWING® PSA oxygen generator which will bring the economical benefits you expect. In case of cutting applications we will optimise the trade-off between oxygen supply, nozzle and cutting speed based on the characteristics of the material to be treated.
As each customer has different operating and manufacturing conditions, we will also provide consultancy regarding the most efficient and cost-effective oxygen distribution under consideration of all relevant parameters.
glass blowing oxygenOxygen generation systems for glass blowing, neon and porcelain manufacturing
NOXERIOR oxygen generators are particularly appropriate for:
- Glass blowing
- Forming of neon light tubes into the required shapes
- Flame polishing of porcelain articles
Special Know-How & Services from NOXERIOR
We at NOXERIOR always do a detailed simulation and analysis of the oxygen consumption profile, including peak consumptions, to guarantee a correct dimensioning of the OXYSWING® PSA oxygen generator which will bring the economical benefits you expect.
As each customer has different operating and manufacturing conditions, we will also provide consultancy regarding the most efficient and cost-effective oxygen distribution under consideration of all relevant parameters.
Oxygen supply for blast furnace and metallurgy applications
NOXERIOR oxygen generators are particularly appropriate for :
- Oxygen enrichment in blast furnaces
- COREX® smelting-reduction process developed by Siemens Metals
- Pre-reduction of iron ore fines in Cyclone Converter Furnaces (CCF).
- Circofer® iron reduction process developed by Lurgi
Special Know-How & Services from NOXERIOR
We at NOXERIOR always do a detailed simulation and analysis of the oxygen consumption profile, including peak consumptions, to guarantee a correct dimensioning of the OXYSWING® PSA oxygen generator which will bring the economical benefits you expect.
As each customer has different operating conditions, we will also provide consultancy regarding the most efficient and cost-effective oxygen distribution under consideration of all relevant parameters.
Oxygen generation system for mining applications

NOXERIOR oxygen generators are particularly appropriate for:
- Gold leaching and silver leaching of ores
- Bottom-blown Oxygen Converter or BBOCTM
- Oxygen lancing
Special Know-How & Services from NOXERIOR
We at NOXERIOR always do a detailed simulation and analysis of the oxygen consumption profile, including peak consumptions, to guarantee a correct dimensioning of the OXYSWING® PSA oxygen generator which will bring the economical benefits you expect.
As each customer has different operating conditions, we will also provide consultancy regarding the most efficient and cost-effective oxygen distribution under consideration of all relevant parameters. Our OXYSWING® PSA oxygen generation system will be specially prepared for the harsh ambient and operating conditions at the mine site. Special pre-mounted installations on transport racks with reduced dimensions can be supplied by NOXERIOR to facilitate transport logistics.
Oxygen generator for ozone production
Oxygen supply for ozone generation. Still most ozone generators produce this gas out of compressed air. By using oxygen as feed gas instead of air, the ozone generator’s efficiency will significantly increase and the risk of HNO3 formation will be reduced.
Special Know-How & Services from NOXERIOR
We at NOXERIOR are aware about the importance of a correct and stable dew point of the produced oxygen in order to avoid damages to the electrodes inside the ozone generator. Our OXYSWING® PSA oxygen generators which be able to supply you the oxygen quality you need for a trouble-free operation of you ozone generators, even under harsh ambient and operation conditions. Our OXYSWING® modular PSA oxygen generators offer you unique solutions for a turn-key ozone generation system solutions inside ISO freight containers.
Oxygen supply for (waste) water treatment applications

NOXERIOR oxygen generators are particularly appropriate for :
- Aerobic biological treatment , including UNOX and Dual Digestion Systems (DDS)
- Hydrogen sulphide control
- Ferrous and manganese precipitation
Special Know-How & Services from NOXERIOR
We at NOXERIOR always do a detailed simulation and analysis of the oxygen consumption profile, including BOD, COD and MLVSS in case of aerobic biological decomposition of the organic content of waste water, to guarantee a correct dimensioning of the OXYSWING® PSA oxygen generator which will bring the economical benefits you expect.
As each customer has different operating conditions, we will also provide consultancy regarding the most efficient and cost-effective oxygen distribution under consideration of all relevant parameters.
Oxygen supply for wellness applications

NOXERIOR oxygen generators are particularly appropriate for:
- Treatment with ionised oxygen
- Oxygen therapy
- Oxygen enrichment of ambient air in apartments
Special Know-How & Services from NOXERIOR
We at NOXERIOR can assist you with detailed CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) simulations and a specifically designed automatic oxygen distribution and regulation system in order to obtain the desired ionised oxygen distribution inside the tepidarium of your wellness institute or spa.
We also have specific experience with the central oxygen supply and distribution for ambient air enrichment in apartment blocks, where we also can assist you with the definition of the design and positioning of the ceiling nozzles.